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Company Overview/Access

Trade name

Byakumatsu Co., Ltd.

Head Office Location


16-17 Nishimachi, Kaizuka City, Osaka Prefecture

telephone number

Representative name




Atsuo Byakuno



Affiliated Organizations

2008 Byakumatsu was founded

2016 Byakumatsu Co., Ltd. was established

The company was reorganized into a joint-stock company and continues to exist to this day.

Osaka Prefecture Real Estate Transaction Association

Construction business license number

Osaka Prefectural Governor Permit Architectural Work (General-3) No. 146004

Osaka Prefectural Governor's License Real Estate Business (2) No. 59714

National Real Estate Transaction Guarantee Association (public corporation)

Osaka Prefecture Real Estate Transaction Association

Member of Kaizuka Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Affiliated Organizations

Guarantee system


Liability Insurance

Construction Management Engineer

Real estate agent

Welfare Living Environment Coordinator

Renovation and expansion consultant

Opening times





Closed Day

Sundays, public holidays, New Year's holidays

Hyakumatsu Office Photo_edited.jpg
Office meeting room photo_edited_edited.jpg

Ceramics shop

For those coming by train

From the west exit of Kaizuka Station on the Nankai Main Line, go down the stairs on the right and walk straight north along Kaizuka Central Shopping Street for about 5 minutes.

For those coming by car

Osaka Prefectural Route 204 Sakai-Hannan Line, near the Kaizuka Station outbound intersection
(The intersection for outbound travel at Kaizuka Station is a one-way street, so please take a detour from Nishimachi intersection.)

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